Fall 2009 Catholic Film Series


The Brothers of the Pope John Paul II Council of the Knights of Columbus cordially invite everyone to the Council's award-winning Catholic Film Series!

This Friday (10/9) at 7:30PM in the St. Paul Parish Student Lounge, we will be showing Becket (11 Oscar Nominations, including 1964 Best Picture).

Please join us! Snacks and drinks will be provided. For those who have not seen this film, an excellent review can be found here.

For your convenience, the entire fall semester schedule is provided below:

October 9th Student Lounge, 7:30PM - BECKET

October 23rd DiGiovanni Hall, 9:00PM (Knights-CSA Halloween social) - THE EXORCIST

November 6th Student Lounge, 7:30PM - METROPOLIS

November 20th Student Lounge, 7:30PM - QUO VADIS

December 5th DiGiovanni Hall, 7:30PM - THE 13TH DAY