9/28-30: College Council Conference 2012

Harvard Knights of Columbus Council 14188 Delegation:
Br. James HoltGrand KnightBr. Juan Carmona, Financial Secretary/District Deputy
Br. James Hamilton, Deputy Grand Knight; Br. Gabriel Carranza, Trustee; 
Br. Curis St. Pierre, LecturerBr. Todd Jones, District Warden

The Harvard Knights of Columbus, Bl. Pope John Paul II Council 14188, sent a delegation to this year's annual College Council Conference, held at the Omni Hotel and at the Supreme Council in downtown New Haven, CT. Impressively, our delegation was one of the largest present from any campus. For an exclusive video highlight of the conference, please click here.

The theme of this year’s College Council Conference – “The Man of God in the Year of Faith” – guided the weekend’s collective conversation through addresses, small group sessions and Masses, as Knights gathered skills and approaches for their respective councils, from across the globe. Over the weekend, the conference looked at membership and recruitment strategies, leadership development, peer mentoring and what it is to be a Catholic gentleman. Holy Mass was celebrated each day. The conference brought together more than 150 Knights from 69 schools throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada and the Dominican Republic. Joining the College Knights were chaplains who serve the spiritual needs of these College Councils.

The keynote speaker for Friday’s awards banquet was Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson. The Worthy Supreme Knight spoke about the path of today's Church as a response to the violence and bloodiness that took place in the first half of the 20th century. Mr. Anderson argued that the Second Vatican Council counteracted the forces of totalitarian regimes which formed a veritable "church of the men who would become God" which set themselves in opposition to "the Church of the God who became man." 

Following the Worthy Supreme Knight's address, awards were presented. Harvard Council 14188 received the award for Best Council Activity in recognition of our 33-Day Consecration to Mary according to St. Louis de Montfort. Other Service Program Award winners included the University of Marylan Council (Church), Louisiana State University (Community), University of Northern Iowa Council (Family), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Youth), and University of Notre Dame (Culture of Life).  

On Saturday, brothers sat in on strategy sessions and gathered in regional caucuses to share their respective experiences and discuss ways to strengthen College Councils and evangelize on university campuses. In the evening, brothers gathered at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, the birthplace of the Knights of Columbus, for Holy Hour. Afterwards, the brothers moved upstairs to venerate the sacred remains of our founder, the Venerable Fr. Michael McGivney, and to worship Our Lord Jesus Christ in solemn Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction.

After the closing Mass and departure on Sunday morning, brothers were full of hope that the graces abounding from this weekend’s blessed events in New Haven would follow us back to our respective Councils and renew our zeal to build that Civilization of Love for which the world so desperately hungers.

(The photographs and video above are courtesy of the Supreme Office, New Haven, CT.)