Spring 2016 Recruitment Schedule

The Grand Knight and Officers of the Pope St. John Paul II Council  of the Knights of Columbus invite you to apply to join our noble order.

Founded in 2006, the Pope St. John Paul II Council has lived out our order’s principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism at St. Paul Parish and within the Harvard community.

We will be holding a variety of events this week for those interested in joining our order. Our first event will be a presentation of an icon of the Holy Family blessed by Pope Francis at Totus Tuesday - February 9th at 8:00 PM, held at St. Paul Church.

If you have any questions, e-mail us at HarvardKnights@gmail.com.

Vivat Jesus!
Upcoming events next week:

Tuesday, February 9th, 8pm - Totus Tuesday with icon of the Holy Family - St. Paul's Church
Thursday, February 10th, 7pm - Ice Skating on the Science Center Plaza (meet at Catholic Student Center at 6:45 to walk over)
Friday, February 11th, 9pm - Party in Lowell E43-F42, Video Games, Chips, Pizza, hanging out.
Saturday, February 12th, 4:30pm - Tailgate for Harvard-Yale Basketball Game @ Digiovanni Hall, St. Paul's Church. Burgers, hot dogs, potato salad, all the usual tailgate fixings. We'll head over to the game around 7pm.