Don't Go Greek, Go Roman!
Below is our official schedule of Spring Rush events. With the exception of the First Degree Exemplification and candidate interviews, which are intended for new members only, all are welcome at our events. Please check our website throughout the week, as some times, dates, and locations may change. Any questions can be directed to us by emailing harvardknights [at] We look forward to seeing you this week!
Sunday, March 20th: Information Session, Meet n’ Greet. Join us in the Catholic Student Center Lounge (20 Arrow St.) to learn more about the weeks’ activities, as well as the Knights of Columbus and the members of the Council. All are welcome. Casual attire.
Monday, March 21st: Candidate Interviews Begin. Candidates that have not received an interview by Friday, March 25th, should contact the Council (email above) to request it. Candidates only. Casual attire.
Wednesday, March 23rd, 6pm: Council Rosary. The latest installment of a Council tradition: monthly rosary in the upper level of St. Paul’s Church. (29 Mt. Auburn St.). All are welcome. Casual attire.
Wednesday, March 23rd, 11pm: Rock Climbing. Join us for a fun, late-night study break at the Lowell House climbing wall. All are welcome. Casual or athletic attire.
Thursday, March 24th, 6-7pm: Service Project. Candidates are invited to accompany us to Vernon Hall Nursing Home (8 Dana Street) as we visit with the elderly. All are welcome. Casual attire. (Please meet at St. Paul’s at 5:45pm).
Friday, March 25th, 2pm: Stations of the Cross. Stations of the cross will be held in the upper level of St. Paul’s Church. (29 Mt. Auburn St.) All are welcome. Casual attire.
Friday, March 25th, 5pm: Angelus and Mass of the Annunciation. Join us as we celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, in the upper level of St. Paul’s Church (29 Mt. Auburn St). To be preceded by the Angelus. Council outing or reception to follow. All are welcome. Formal attire.
Saturday, March 26th, 3-5pm: The Importance of Sacramental Confession. A lecture sponsored by the Harvard Knights of Columbus at the Catholic Student Lounge (20 Arrow St.) on the reality of sin in our lives and the importance of reconciliation and daily payer, and in particular, devotion to Our Lady. Opportunity for confession to follow in St. Paul’s Church (across the breezeway). All are welcome. Casual attire.
Sunday, March 27th, 3-4:30pm: Initiation and Holy Mass. Exemplification of the First Degree (Initiation) in Room 202 in the St. Paul Parish Center. Formal attire (shirt and tie), candidates only. Following the First Degree, all Brothers are invited to attend Holy Mass at 5pm in the Lower Church. Dinner will be sponsored by the Council immediately following Holy Mass.
Information for Prospective Members
The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic fraternal organization in the world. The Order was founded in 1882 by the Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney to unite Catholic men under the values of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. Since that time, the Order has grown to over 1.8 million members in 15,000 Councils worldwide. In 2006, former Grand Knight and President of the Harvard-Radcliffe Catholic Student Association, Br. Michael V. Brewer ‘07, founded the Pope John Paul II Council (No. 14188) to serve the Harvard Catholic Center based at St. Paul Parish. We now invite you to consider joining our work—a quest to grow in faith while serving those around us.
Membership in the Knights is a unique fraternal experience at Harvard, distinct from other campus organizations. We are a Council of men deeply committed to Christ, Holy Mother Church, and each other's spiritual formation—diligently building up the Kingdom of Christ, one man at a time. Attendance and participation, therefore, are taken with seriousness and dedication. We welcome you to explore our rich history and brotherhood at Harvard, comprised of undergraduate and graduate students, spanning all academic disciplines, as well as faculty, alumni, and young-adult professionals.
Membership Requirements
To join the Knights of Columbus, a man must be at least 18 years of age and a practical Catholic. Typically, members of the Pope John Paul II Council have some affiliation with Harvard University, though exceptions to this may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Any man interested in joining our Council should contact Br. Christopher Oppermann by sending an email to HarvardKnights [at]
At events, candidates are encouraged to meet the current members, ask questions, and learn about the mission of the Knights of Columbus and our Council's work. Candidates should obtain and complete a Form-100 Membership Document, which will be available at all Council events, or upon request. Finally, all men seeking membership must attend the Exemplification of the First Degree on Sunday, March 27th, 2011.