It is with great pleasure that we welcome the following nine members to our Council!
Indeed these fine Catholic gentlemen are a valued addition to our brotherhood and community:
Johnny Batter, Greg DiBella, Joel Fernandez, Michael Kaehler, Keith Martinez, Brian Mejia, Anthony Nutter, Joe Papp, and Pablo Ramirez.
Congratulations to you all, Spring 2009 Class of St. George!

Please click on the Council photograph above to enlarge.
St. George, Patron of Spring '09 Council Rush

Thus we are pleased to conclude our 2009 Spring Rush. All eligible men are invited to apply in the Fall Semester for membership into the Council; general instructions on how to do so are below. Please note that all of our events, with the exception of the First Degree, which is intended for new members, are all open to the public. Please check back for any changes/updates.
Wednesday, April 29th, 8-9am
Weekly council visit to Vernon Hall to assist with upkeep/maintenance of this nursing home for low-income elderly and disabled. Please contact Peter Halabu (halabup [at] comcast [dot] net) if you would like to join us in this work.
Thursday, April 30th, 6:30-7:30pm
Weekly council visit to Vernon Hall Nursing Home for conversation and prayer with the residents. Please contact our Warden, Jim Ritch (jjr57 [at] comcast [dot] net) if you are interested in participating.
Friday, May 1st, 8-11pm
Catholic Film Series event at the Brattle Theater in Harvard Square: a special 70th anniversary screening of Gone with the Wind. Please RSVP to Grand Knight Juan Carmona (carmona [at] fas [dot] harvard [dot] edu) to reserve a discounted ($5) ticket. Meet in St. Paul's Student Lounge (20 Arrow Street) at 7pm for pizza. We will head over to the theatre at 7:45pm. This event is co-sponsored by the Harvard-Radcliffe Catholic Student Association.
Saturday, May 2nd, 3-5pm & 8-9pm
Saturday, May 2nd, 3-5pm & 8-9pm
Knights cookout at Leverett Towers Courtyard (25 DeWolf Street, Cambridge, MA), 3-5pm, between the two towers. All are welcome to join us for burgers, hot dogs (and maybe even a little frisbee)! Later in the evening, beginning at 8pm, we are sponsoring a conversation with His Excellency, Jean Benjamin Sleiman, O.C.D., Archbishop of the Latin Patriarchate of Baghdad. The title of his talk will be, "The Plight of Iraqi's Christian Peoples." Dinner is to be held at a local restaurant; 20 slots are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Please email Peter Halabu (halabup [at] comcast [dot] net) for more information and to RSVP for this unique opportunity.
Importantly, the Knights is unique fraternal experience at Harvard, distinct from other campus organizations. We are a Council of men deeply committed to Christ, Holy Mother Church, and each other's spiritual formation—diligently building up the Kingdom of Christ, one man at a time. Attendance and participation, therefore, are taken with seriousness and dedication. We welcome you to explore our rich history and brotherhood at Harvard, comprised of both undergraduate and graduate men, spanning all academic disciplines.

Sunday, May 3rd, 3-5pm
Exemplification of the First Degree (Initiation) in DiGiovanni Hall at St. Paul Parish. Formal attire is requested. By invitation only. Following the First Degree, all are invited to attend Mass at 5pm in the lower church.
The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic fraternal organization in the world. Please click here for an informational video. The Order was founded in 1882 by the Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney, to unite Catholic men under the values of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. Since that time, the Order has grown to include over 14,000 Councils, spread across the world. In 2006, Past Grand Knight Michael V. Brewer founded the Pope John Paul II Council (No.14188) to serve St. Paul Parish and the Harvard Catholic community. We now invite you to consider joining our work—a quest to grow in faith while serving those around us.
Importantly, the Knights is unique fraternal experience at Harvard, distinct from other campus organizations. We are a Council of men deeply committed to Christ, Holy Mother Church, and each other's spiritual formation—diligently building up the Kingdom of Christ, one man at a time. Attendance and participation, therefore, are taken with seriousness and dedication. We welcome you to explore our rich history and brotherhood at Harvard, comprised of both undergraduate and graduate men, spanning all academic disciplines.
Membership Requirements
To join the Knights of Columbus, a man must be at least 18 years of age and a practical Catholic. Typically, members of the Pope John Paul II Council have some affiliation with Harvard University, though exceptions to this may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Any man interested in joining our council should contact either the Undergraduate Membership Director, Patrick Brennan, or the Graduate Membership Director, Peter Halabu, by sending email to HarvardKnights [at] gmail [dot] com. At events, candidates are encouraged to meet the current members, ask questions, and learn about the mission of the Knights of Columbus and our Council's work. Candidates should obtain and complete a Form-100 Membership Document. Finally, all men seeking membership must attend the Exemplification of the First Degree.